Blades Fire Company - Sussex County, Delaware

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Hall Rental Information
Monday, April 5, 2021

We have received many calls in reference to when we may be opening our rental hall up for gatherings.We are currently looking at reopening our books to plan new events on May 1st. To those customers who we have spoken with prior to that date, we will honor your request for the date you have inquired about( to the best of our ability keeping within the current restrictions), on a first come, first serve basis. We can not guarantee that your event will be able to be held after you have booked it. We are obligated to operate within the State of Delaware mandates that have been imposed. If the restrictions are modified after you have booked, and you need to cancel, we will not hold you financially responsible during this pandemic. 

Please contact the Hall Rental cell phone @ 302-519-2805 for all requests and information.


Below are the current guidelines/restrictions we have to operate within as of today's date(April 5, 2021):


  • Definitions. For purposes of this Twenty-Seventh Modification to the COVID-19 State of Emergency declaration, the term “gathering” shall mean a planned or spontaneous event, indoors or outdoors, with a small number of people participating or a large number of people in attendance, such as a community event or gathering, concert, festival, conference, parade, wedding, or sporting event. In applying the definition of “gathering,” DPH may, in its discretion, assess and weigh the following non-exclusive criteria:
    1. Whether the event or activity is advertised to the public or offered by invitation.
    2. Whether the event or activity occurs at a specific, date, time, and location.
    3. Whether the event or activity has a specific beginning or ending time.
    4. Whether the event or activity intends to draw people together for a common or particular purpose.
    5. Whether the event or activity is designed to promote or ensure that performers, speakers, or attendees share a common experience, purpose, or goal.
  • Indoor Gatherings/Events: All gatherings or events held within any business or indoor space open to the public (including, but not limited to: food and drink establishments; commercial lodging; convention centers; houses of worship; pools; senior centers; and those in parks and recreation facilities or at facilities without a stated fire code occupancy) shall comply with the gathering requirements set forth by this Twenty-Seventh Modification. Indoor gatherings or events at any business or indoor space open to the public of up to the lesser of fifty percent (50%) stated fire occupancy or twenty-five (25) people (e.g. weddings and receptions, graduations, birthday parties, funeral receptions, etc.) and private indoor gatherings or events of up to ten (10) persons (e.g. dinner parties, house parties, birthday parties) are permitted in Phase 2 under the following conditions:
    1. Hosts of gatherings or events must take steps to protect vulnerable populations, including by providing materials and equipment necessary for proper hand hygiene, enforcing social distancing, and requiring the use of face coverings. All individuals aged Kindergarten and up must wear a face covering while in attendance at any private indoor gathering or event.
    2. Any business or indoor space open to the public interested in holding a gathering or event must have a mechanism for limiting attendance, enforcing social distancing between attendees and complying with this Modification’s declarations relating to providing face coverings for employees and signage about the use of face coverings for guests.
    3. Notwithstanding the indoor gathering occupancy limits set forth in Paragraph N.2, facilities who wish to host indoor gatherings and events at any business or indoor space open to the public of over twenty-five (25) people may apply to host a large indoor gathering or event of up to one hundred fifty (150) people by submitting a plan to [email protected] at least seven (7) days prior to the anticipated event.
    4. Any food service, including by catering services and their staff, must operate within the parameters prescribed for Food and Drink Establishments in this Twenty-Seventh Modification to the State of Emergency and the Phase 2 Reopen Plan. Buffet-style, family-style, and any other self-service food may reopen if the facility assigns dedicated staff to distribute food, and any customers at the buffet are socially distanced from others who are not of the same household. Self-serve beverage service may also resume in Phase 2.
    5. Concessions selling only pre-packaged food must deliver food directly to seated customers or ensure social distancing in lines. They should facilitate contactless transactions as often as possible.
    6. Individuals must wear face coverings in accordance with the requirements of this Twenty-Seventh Modification.
    7. Individuals who are not part of the same household are expected to remain at least six (6) feet apart to the greatest extent possible and are encouraged to maintain greater physical distance whenever possible.
    8. Individuals must stay home when sick.
    9. Individuals should wash their hands or use hand sanitizer regularly during the gathering or event.
    10. Hand sanitizing stations should be supplied at any entrance or exit and at various locations within the event. Hand sanitizer must be composed of at least sixty percent (60%) ethanol or seventy percent (70%) isopropanol.
    11. Bathrooms and high contact surfaces must be disinfected every fifteen (15) minutes to two (2) hours.
    12. Sharing microphones is prohibited. All microphones, whether they be self-standing in holders, handheld or lapel style must be sanitized after each use.

The gathering or event must comply with all other applicable state, county and local laws for gatherings and events.

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