Fire Prevention Awards Banquet - Blades Fire Company Banquet Hall
Friday, November 20, 2009
Blades Volunteer Fire Company sponsors an awards banquet for the winners of the State Fire Prevention Poster and Essay Contest School Students within Blades Fire District. The winners are chosen from the many entries that are submitted by each School. Those schools that participated are the Blades Elementary School, The Child Craft Company and the Seaford Christian Academy. Each poster and essay are special coded with a number and the winners are not known until the school reveals their name. Submitted entries are reviewed and chosed by the Fire Company Fire Prevention Committee. The First Place winners receive a new bicycle, second place winners receive a $30.00 gift certificate at Wal-Mart and the third place winner receive a $20.00 gift certificate at Wal-Mart, they also receive receive a certificate of appreciation along with a Fire Company patch. Invited guests were Michael Vincent, Sussex County Councilman, James Buttridge, Manager of Seaford Wal-Mart. Michael Lowe, Senior Instructor Delaware State Fire School who served as Master of Cermonies. The winners and their families were treated to Pizza and drinks. Thanks to P.K. Resturant for the Pizza's.