Fire Prevention Poster and Essay Winners from Blades Elementary School - Blades Fire Hall
Friday, November 18, 2011
This year the student's from Blades Elementary School participated in the Annual Fire Prevention Program that is put on during the month of October. The student's and their teachers visited the Fire Station and participated in a hands on day where they were able to see the many types of equipment on the Fire Trucks and Ambulance. They also received a very Special Fire Prevention Message. After a small snack and a visit from Smokey Bear, they also received a gift from the Fire Company. In school, with the Guidance from their Teacher each student participated either in a poster or written essay, each grade had a specific topic to draw or write about. The Fire Prevention Committee received both the posters and essay's from the school to be reviewed and a winner's chosen from each grade. A 1st, 2nd and 3rd places winners were chosen. Each First Place poster or essay winner will be sent to the County level where they will compete with other students throughout the County. The winner in each grade, their parents and Teacher were invited to the Blades Volunteer Fire Compay Fire Prevention Awards Banquet. They were provided with a Pizza Party, compliments of Hungry Howies. Prizes were given to each catorgory winner through the partnership with Walmart-Seaford, Jennifer Lawrence, Assistant Manager helped present the gifts to the winners. Delaware State Representative Danny Short-Seaford was the Guest Emcee for the evening. The winners this year were: Kindergarten: 1st Place: Kaley Showard 2nd Place: Hannah Price 3rd Place: Jeanette Henning First Grade: 1st Place: Benwiji Garcon 2nd Place: Madison White 3rd Place: Yasmin Cruz Second Grade: 1st Place: Ryan McCraken 2nd Place: Jayla Wright 3rd Place: Hannah Moore Third Grade: 1st Place: Shaniya Godwin 2nd Place: Ryan Kimbler 3rd Place: Stenphanie Rodriquez Fourth Grade: 1st Place: Kelsey Nunemann 2nd Place: Brenna Graham 3rd Place: Karlee Davidson Fifth Grades: 1st Place: Ashley Wilson 2nd Place: Alyssa Walker 3rd Place: Jaqueline Diaz Perez Special Category 1st Place: Antonia Santiago 2nd Place: Jamiah Weston 3rd Place: Christian Taylor The Blades Volunteer Fire Company would like to give a Special Thank You to the Teacher's and Administration for their Support and Dedication in Promoting Fire Prevention as a learning tool. Sincerely, Todd Reilly, Chairman Fire Prevention Committee