Recent Alarms
- Date:
- Tue, Feb 11, 20253:48
- Nature:
- Medical Emergency
- City:
- Seaford
- Date:
- Tue, Feb 11, 202512:49
- Nature:
- Structure Fire - Residential (Single)
- Address:
- 8577 Delmar Rd
- Delmar, DE 19940
- Date:
- Mon, Feb 10, 20253:13
- Nature:
- Gas Leak (Natural and LP Gases)
- Location:
- FIRE 5
- Address:
- 27546 Hollyhock Lane
- Sussex Manor, DE 19973
Blades Volunteer Fire Company the First Fifty Years
After many months of preparation the Blades Volunteer Fire Company celebrated their 50th Anniversary during the month of May, 1984 with Carl Pobst as the Chairman of Anniversary Committee. The Fire Company hosted a large Parade with many fire companies, elected officials and other participants. The Fire Company also held an Open House to allow the many visitors to see the many items on display. A five mile run took the runners throughout our district. A movie was made showing our members in action and our equipment. It was a showcase event.
Moving on to 1987, Wayne Chaffinch was re-elected as Chief and Wayne Merritt was sworn in as the new President. It was reported in the January meeting that one of our Charter Members had passed away, Mr. Virgil Magee the previous week. A committee was formed for the purchase of a new ambulance. The Fire Company will assist Seaford Fire Department with the Firemen’s Convention.
1988 saw Keith Long being elected as President along with Wayne Chaffinch, Chief. Two bids were received for the new ambulance. It was reported that the new ambulance would be at the station in June, the final cost would be $54,210.00. New Junior members joining the company are Bryan Callaway, Dwayne Chaffinch, Paula Chaffinch, Scott Crockett and Mark Passwaters. With the elections coming up the voting was changed to elect the Administrative Officers on the odd years and the Line Officers on even years with each being a two year term.
Elections for 1989 has Wayne Chaffinch as Chief, Donald Trice as President and David Ruff elected Ambulance Captain. After many years with having Bingo, discussion was held what about the cost of having Bingo and the profits not being what they used to be. Four members were qualified to use the M.A.S.T. trousers on the Ambulance. Donald Trice was elected President due to the resignation A letter by Chief Chaffinch to the State Chiefs Association was sent on behalf of Jim Hastings to be made Lifetime member of Fire Police. A new electronic blood pressure unit was put on the ambulance at a cost of $2600.00. Fire Company received a new Hurst Rescue Tool.
Wayne Merritt was elected President in 1990. Bob Mullen was voted on to become a lifetime member after a report was given by Norman Hastings and John Booth.
During the year many changes were made to the By-Laws of the company. Tony Jewell was voted in as a Junior member. As a major fund raiser for the company it was decided to host a Circus on the land owned by Dave Webb. Company received a letter of Thanks from Blades Mayor Esther Head for the help that was given during the “Septemberfest 90” day in the Park. Bob Mullen received an award from Mr. Biff Lee for Fire Police. Ty Mill was voted in as a Junior member at the October 10th meeting.
Bill Hurlock was elected to become the new Chief for the year 1991 to 1992. With the increase in membership it was voted to change the By-Laws to allow 80 members with 15 places being reserved for Junior Membership. Carl Pobst donated $2000.00 in memory of his son so that the members can get their Hepatitis B shots. A plaque will be installed in the Fire House. After many months of discussion the new building generator was installed. New Pierce Fire Truck has been ordered.
Wayne Merritt was re-elected President for the year 1992-1993. The new Pierce Lance Fire truck 71-9 has arrived and put in service. Discussion was held on Delaware Volunteer Firemen's Association Convention 93 was discussed with the possibility of having one of the dance’s in the hall. New Command vehicle was purchased. At the Annual Firemen’s Convention David Ruff and Janet Massey were presented with a State Ambulance Attendant Award by the Ambulance Association and Randy Walls was presented the Heroic Fireman of the Year by the State Chief’s Association.
The elections were held for 1993-1994 with Earl Chaffinch, Jr. being elected as Fire Chief. As a fund raiser the Fire Company booked Allen C. Hill promotions to put on the show Aladdin.