Blades Fire Company - Sussex County, Delaware

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Blades Volunteer Fire Company the First Fifty Years

It was also said at the time that when it came time to pay the bills, the members would pass the hat to take up a collection and if there was not enough money collected they would pass the hat again. The men were very proud of their accomplishments and the equipment that they had.

The building of the new Fire House located on East Second Street was starting to become a reality, the members were proud and excited to be able to move into their brand new building which consisted of two large truck bay and a meeting room and assembly hall on second floor.

As the expenses came with the new building and equipment a decision was made in the early 1940’s that the Fire Company would have a carnival to help raise the needed funds to pay the bills. The Carnival was located at the corner lot at Market Street and River Road. The Carnival helped raise the much needed funds to build the treasury, but it was it was not very popular with some of the folks that lived in Town, with one of the shows in the Carnival some of the Ladies complained to the Police Chief and demanded that the show be stopped. The Police Chief responded and “arrested” the Fire Chief and they both went to the Police Station to talk about the day’s events. This was told that the Ladies were satisfied that Justice was served. The Carnival and Show’s continued.

1941, the company joined the Sussex County Volunteer Firemen’s Association.

From the years 1941 to April, 1949 the ledgers and minute books were destroyed by fire. We are very sorry about this loss in time in our book of history. The memories will remain with those that were members during this time. In May 1949, James Hastings was elected President and David Passwaters was elected the new Chief. At their October meeting it was voted on and passed that cash prizes for Fire Prevention Essay winners were to be 1st place $3.00, 2nd place $2.00 and 3rd place $1.00. In December

Blades United Methodist Church
As being from a small community our members were very active not only in the Fire Company but also in the Town. They helped paint the Methodist Church and they were also helped at the school.

Pictured below was the Blades School which was a one and one half story boilerroom basement frame clapboard three classroom building. The school was located on West Fourth Street where the current Blades Town Hall is located.

Blades School

As with many other communities from 1942 to 1945 many of our members were fighting another kind of war, they proudly served in the various branches of the Military. We salute their valiant effort to protect our Country.

Those members that served were:

Howard Knowles
Wilson Collins
Norman Passwaters
Alton Bowers
Horace Knowles
Linwood Hastings
James Hastings
William Hastings
Everett Wooters
Robert Ewell
Sherwood Marvel
Lawerence Dickerson
Horace Moore
Herman Passwaters
James Smart

WE say: Thank You!

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