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Blades Volunteer Fire Company the First Fifty Years

Nominations and elections for Fire Chief and Ambulance Captain for 1999-2000 term has Randy Walls being elected Chief and Paula Chaffinch as Ambulance Captain. Donation were being accepted for Toy For Tots. New lighting was installed in the banquet hall. A motion the old #5 out for bids but the motion was defeated. New security gates were installed at Cool Branch development. Laurel Fire Department will be celebrating their 100th Anniversary on October 25th. Discussion started on whether to renovate or build a new fire house. A truck committee was formed to plan for a new rescue truck. File of Life program started for Ambulance. Key pad entry system was installed on ambulance garage door to make it easier to gain entry to building. New dive equipment has been put in service.

The start of the 2000 has Randy Walls being re-elected to the position of Chief for the 2001-2002 term along with Paula Chaffinch being re-elected for Ambulance Captain.

The Administrative Election for the Years 2000-2001 has Earl Chaffinch, Jr. being elected as President. The Car Show had a profit of $1600.00. Spring Fest at Blades School, we will have a Fire Truck and Ambulance there for the kids. A Report for the past three year of the Haunted Forest showed a profit of over $29,900.00. Some used equipment if going to be donated to the West Grove Fire Department in West Virginia. At a special election Steve Collins was elected President. Motion was made and passed to purchase a new Pierce Heavy Rescue truck expected delivery in seven months. Representative Tina Fallon presented Commendation Award from the House of Representatives to the members that received awards at our Annual Banquet. Hiring a full time EMT was approved at the June, 01 meeting. Due to the height of the new rescue truck the engine bay doors need to be raised to accommodate. In October the company ordered a new Command vehicle.

Donald Trice was elected President for the years 2002-2003. New Holmatro rescue tool were ordered, the new equipment to cost $63,000.00. Smoke Detectors will be given out free at the fire house. With the arrival of the new rescue truck, all the equipment installed, the old rescue truck was sold to Greenbackville Fire Company in Virginia. New concrete floors were poured in the engine bays due to the weight of the new trucks.

Nominations and elections were held for the Line Officers with Ronald Fensick being elected Chief and Paula Chaffinch being elected for the years 2003-2004. New replacement Suburban from Burton’s had a price increase of $2019.00. On behalf of State Representative Tina Fallon, Blades Mayor David L. Ruff presented Certificates of Commendations from the House of Representatives to those members receiving awards at the Fire Companies last banquet at the next Town Council meeting. Chief Fensick announced that the truck committee will meet regarding a new brush truck. The used 71 Command was sold to Georgetown Fire Company. The generator that was given to the Town to use as an emergency back-up was given back to the Fire Company, it was decided to donate the generator to the Sharptown American Legion. Lightning struck once again at the fire house radio tower knocking the system down. Chief Joey Pepper brought the command unit over for the company to see after they had everything converted over. Chief Fensick thanked everyone for their help during the hurricane and flooding that we had. The bids for the purchase of the pump unit for the rescue truck was approved to purchase from Morean’s Fire Equipment in the amount of $25,745.00. The company received a $500.00 donation from Conectiv Power for the Hurricane Isabel storm.

Donald Trice was re-elected President of the company for the years 2004-2005. Received a donation from the Soroptimist Club in the amount of $500.00. After several months of looking as Ambulance Specifications it was decided by the company to purchase the new ambulance from PL Custom Emergency Vehicles. Once again the fire company is accepting donations for the Toys for Tots program.

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