Blades Fire Company - Sussex County, Delaware

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Blades Volunteer Fire Company the First Fifty Years

Old Fire Station
During the 1960’s there were many different changes coming to the Fire Company, William Dean was elected President and Norman Passwaters was elected Chief. June the company voted to put a telephone into Joseph’s Service Station for purpose of receiving fire and ambulance calls. Russell and Etta Joseph would receive a call, sound the alarm and the first person would answer the phone for directions. Due to health problems Mr. Alfred James who lived next to the Fire House had to give up answering the phone from his house after many years of service to the community. The year 1961, Blue lights were approved for the Fire Chief and Engineers. William Dean was again elected President and John Booth was to be the next Fire Chief. 1962 brought the approval from the company to purchase one Scott Air Pack.

William Hammond was voted in as President in 1963 and John Booth was again election to the position of Fire Chief. It was decided that if a member was on fire company business he would receive credit for alarms or meetings missed during that time. The Company decided to start receiving their mail at the Post Office and obtained a post office box. Two blue lights were purchased for use by the Fire Police, if they were not turned in the cost would be $25.00.

1964 brought questions about the deed to the Fire Company, it was later found out that the boundaries were incorrect. Walter Hearn was elected President and Alton Callaway was voted in as Chief for the coming year. That year there were several changes made to the Rules and By-Laws and expectations. Active members had to make 50% of the drills and probationary members had to make 100%, new members were to be voted in by majority instead of 3 no votes. New members would serve a six month probation. Hall rental was $25.00. The Company received a bill for the new addition from Tom Moore for $10,076.20 less 2%. Walter Hearn was elected President and Alton Callaway was elected as Chief.

John Booth was elected President and Alton Callaway elected Chief in 1965. That year the company sold the old ambulance for three hundred and fifty dollars.

1966, Alton Callaway was again elected Chief and Charles Hare was elected President. The company meeting nights were changed to the 2nd and 4th Tuesday. The 1938 Chevy Fire Truck was sold to Holloway Nursery for $567.00. The Bell was to be removed from the truck and put on the trophy rack.

Mr. Paul Burton and Mr. John Booth were presented their 25 year watches in 1967. Charles Hare once again was elected President and re-elected to the position of Chief was Alton Callaway. Mr. Nutter Marvel gave permission to install a fire siren on his property known as Lambden’s American Service Station.

Changes in 1968 were made to the By-Laws that when new members were voted in they must serve one year probation. The May elections were held and both Charles Hare and Alton Callaway retained their positions.

Again in 1969, Charles Hare was re-elected President and Alton Callaway was re-elected Chief. The Sunshine Committee stated that flowers were to be sent to family members and the annual fund had collected over 2,500 dollars.

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